Saviez-vous que c'est la première grande ville de France où il fait bon vivre ? Les photos présentées dans cet album vous feront découvrir cette très jolie ville. Allez, c'est parti ... (*)

(*) Did you know that it is the first major city in France famous for the sweetness of its life? The photographs presented in this album will make you discover this beautiful city. Here you go!

Angers October 27th, 4:40 p.m. Inner peace … I haven't felt that good for a long time.

Angers April 25th, 4:00 p.m. Looking for Rex… Hey man. Look over there. Wouldn't that be your dog?

Angers May 4th, 9:20 a.m. Weekend with the family… Good morning children! Did you sleep well? Good to see you all again gathered around the table for breakfast. Well, who would like some coffee?

Angers October 27th, 4:40 p.m. Inner peace … I haven't felt that good for a long time.
La collection complète
(44 cartoons)